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[ Đăng ngày: 13/01/2013 ]

“Reader page” is the place for readers to follow up and interact with the information of their activities in library (Borrowing - returning history, feedback,...).
To use the function of “Reader page”, you must input your User name/Password.
Press “Sign in” in the homepage, appear the sign in window
Step 1: Sign in:

-         Sign in name: "Default first time sign in name is Student code"
-         Password: "Default first time sign in name is Student code"
-         Press button “Sign in”

Interface of Sign in

Step 2: Press the word “Hello….”(EX:   ) to go to the reader page.

1. Personal information search:
-         Click into “Personal information” to have “Reader – Information” page, including: Reader code, reader fullname, sex, birthday, devision, card type, card validity, email, address, phone number.
Note : Email, address, phone number can be edited and saved by reader 

Interface of reader information
2. Borrowing - returning history:
This function allows users to follow up borrow situation. This function includes borrowed, borrowing documents and returns in 3 modes: “Borrowing documents”, “borrowed documents in the day”, “Borrowing - returning history” with following details: Document code, topic, borrowing date, note (return in time, late return time), online document extend.
Click “Borrowing – returning history" the window “Readers – borrowing and returning” will appear

Interface of borrowing - returning history

3. Reader - feedback:
This function allows to receive request and ideas of readers and reply from library.
-         Press button “Feedback” appear the interface “Reader – Feedback”
-         User input information into blank Content and press the send button.

Interface of Reader – Feedback
4. Change password:
Press “Change password” appear interface “Reader – Change password”
Input the old password
Input new password
Re-input the new password
-         Choose the button “Change password”.

Interface of changing password